Judge refuses Rambo bail

Story and photo by Matthew Liebenberg,
National Post
A judge refused this afternoon to release Rambo, the young dog slated for death if a court finds him to be a pit bull. Rambo’s owner, Gabriela Nowakowska, made her first court appearance today in Mississauga, as a small group protested outside, waving placards asking for Rambo to be freed.
“We should get rid of this law,” said Victoria Hardy, who carried a placard against breed-specific laws. “It should be blamed on bad owners, not on the dogs.”
Now almost a year old, Rambo was running loose near Ms. Nowakowska’s home on Christmas Day when he was captured by animal control officers. Considered by Mississauga authorities to be a prohibited animal under the provincial Dog Owners Liability Act, he will be put down if found by the court to be a pit bull.
Holly Roithmeier’s placard asked that Rambo be allowed to leave Ontario if he can’t live here. “I think it’s horrible what they’re doing,” she said. “They shouldn’t euthanize the dog, he didn’t bite anybody.”
Ms. Nowakowska’s lawyer, Anik Morrow, asked the court’s consent for Rambo’s release. However, the Crown attorney requested time to consider the case and the court agreed to a meeting on March 14 to consider the motion. The date for a judicial pre-trial hearing was set for March 18.
“We’re very happy to engage this judicial process,” Ms. Morrow said afterward. “We know that Mississauga has a bit of a habit of snatch and kill, so we’re very happy that the dog is still alive. What I would like to do is to find a reasonable solution.”
Ms. Nowakowska told reporters she received Rambo as a four-week-old puppy from her boyfriend.
“I just want Rambo back,” she said. “It makes me feel sad because I don’t have him with me. My house is empty, there’s no one to greet me or keep me company.”
I am new to blogging, but want to compliment you on your stance on Pits. I have finished working on a show for Animal Planet as the dog trainer, "Shorty's Rescue", all about helping pits, we are hoping it gets picked up. It is a very positive show for the dogs. Take care, Candy Clemente
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